Second Rebirth
Level requirements:
* Above Level 120
Items required:
Exemption Token.
Second Rebirth
While the first reborn characters are incredibly powerful, those who have passed the trials of second rebirth are almost invincible!
Second Rebirth Requirements
Characters must be level 120 or higher and have been reborn once.
Those who choose to take the quest for second rebirth will have to destroy mountains, kill hordes of monsters and even defeat Satan himself in a duel to the death.
Bear in mind how tough the quest is and take your friends with you. When bringing friends with you in the second rebirth quest make a team and you have to be the captain.
Don't forget to pick up the important and talk to NPCs yourself.
Second Reborn Quest
- Talk to NPC Alex (Ape City 436,308) to enter the Evil Abyss where everybody is free to PK without being recorded, that is, no PK points or enemy list.
- Every monster here may drop quest items when killed. You won’t lose the items if killed in the Evil Abyss, but you may lose them outside! You'd better store the items in your Warehouse once leaving the map.
- This quest consists of 3 stages, from the hardest to the easiest. Be patient, and sharpen the knife before cutting the wood!
- Monsters may drop petals, pistils, and stalks, all of which can be made into white or red flowers after you collect enough. A combination of white and red flower can be exchanged for EXP of 20 minutes.
Stage 1
- Hunt for Mosses, Dream Grasses and Soul Aromas. You need to collect 117 of each.
- Head to the Earth Seal (444,878) and click it to summon the Hill Monster with a Moss, a Dream Grass, and a Soul Aroma. Kill the monster by yourself to get a Ghost Horn. Collect at least 3 Ghost Horns and watch out for the killers and stealers nearby.
- Find Arthur (607, 637) to exchange 3 Ghost Horns for an Evil Tooth.
- Go to the Water Seal (883,447) , summon and take care of the Swift Devil with an Evil Tooth, a Moss, a Dream Grass, and a Soul Aroma, you will get a Feather Stone. 3 Feather Stones are needed for the next step.
- Hand 3 Feather Stones to Arthur, who will make an Immortal Stone for you.
- Take the Immortal Stone, Moss, Dream Grass and Soul Aroma to the Fire Seal (920,929) to summon and kill Banshee for a Vigor Fragment.
- Give Arthur 3 Vigor Fragments and he will make an Impure Vigor this time.
- Put the Impure Vigor into the Cleansing Stove (715,744) to summon the Cleansing Devil. Take it down, and a Pure Vigor will be dropped into your inventory!
- Repeat from step 1 until you get 3 Pure Vigors to finish the first stage.
Stage 2
Talk to Bryan (609,633) , and you will be asked to kill monsters to sink the Mountain of Grievance, which is 20,000 meters high.
Most monsters only bring 1 meter, but monsters in different colors contribute 6 meters. There are rare monsters that contribute 20 or even 500 meters!
Stage 3
- Angela (611,638) requires you to kill Andrew, Peter, Philip, Timothy, Daphne, Victoria, Wayne and Theodore, one after another, as one round. And you need to do it 9 rounds.
- Kill any of the following monsters to get a Squama Bead: Serpent Spirit, Hardest Lord, Demon Lord and Fiend Lord.
- Go to the Satan Seal (331,340) to summon and kill Satan, Beast Satan, and Fury Satan, one after another.
Advantages of Getting Second Reborn
The benefits of a second rebirth are nothing short of astonishing. Not only will you become more powerful, but your character will be "unlocked"! See the list below for a breakdown of the advantages.
Light of Vigor: Second reborn characters begin at level 15, and are surrounded by a magical effect known as the "light of vigor."
Item Re-leveling: Levels of the equipment you wear when getting rebirth will be lowered. So you can equip and use them again after rebirth. But if you don't like that, don't forget to un-equip them and store them in your Warehouse.
Damage Reduction: When attacked by monsters, the damage will be reduced by 30% and 50% if attacked by non-2nd-reborn characters.
No Restriction: After reaching level 70, you can equip any kinds of level 70- equipment after rebirth. Note: The reborn Taoist cannot equip shield.
Epiphany: Reborn characters with any skills learnt in their past life can have an epiphany. The epiphany makes the skill leap, after it reaches to half of the former level before rebirth. Take blade proficiency as an example. If the level was 12 before rebirth, it will leap to level 12 as soon it reaches to level 6 again.
Bless: The second reborn character will obtain a new skill "Bless". By this skill, you can gather "Lucky Time" which makes you luckier.
Extra Attribute Points: Your character will get extra attribute points.
Level | Trojan, Warrior, Archer,Fire Taoist, Trojan |
Water Taoist |
110 |
- |
- |
112 |
- |
+1 |
114 |
- |
+3 |
116 |
- |
+6 |
118 |
- |
+10 |
120 |
- |
+15 |
121 |
+1 |
+15 |
122 |
+3 |
+21 |
123 |
+6 |
+21 |
124 |
+10 |
+28 |
125 |
+15 |
+28 |
126 |
+21 |
+36 |
127 |
+28 |
+36 |
128 |
+36 |
+45 |
129 |
+45 |
+45 |
130 |
+55 |
+55 |
2nd Reborn Attribute Points Formula
2nd Reborn Attribute Points = 1st Reborn Attribute Points + 2nd Reborn Extra Attribute Points + 52 + 3*(Current Level - 15)
1st Reborn Attribute Points = Awarded 30 Points given by system + 1st Reborn Extra Attribute Points
52 = 10 Attribute Points given by system + 3*14 (i.e Level 2- Level 15)
Second Rebirth - Magic & Skills
Skill & Spell Epiphany: When you are reborn for the second time, all skills, Magic and proficiencies of your weapons will be cleaned out. However, if you train them to 50% of the former level before 2nd rebirth, it will jump to the former level.
Bless: Second rebirth characters will obtain new skill Bless.
New Skills & Magic: 2nd reborn players can learn new different skills and magic according to their class in first and second life.
Note: The skills below will not be kept if you didn't learn them before rebirth. The skill Poisonous Arrows is available when you are level 70+ and equipping a bow and arrows which are both under level 70.
Trojan > Archer >
- Archer > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem, Freezing Arrows
- Fire Taoist > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem, Poisonous Arrows
- Trojan > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem, Poisonous Arrows
- Warrior > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem, Poisonous Arrows
- Water Taoist > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem, Poisonous Arrows
Trojan > Fire Taoist >
- Archer > Spirit Healing, Cyclone, Golem, Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation
- Fire Taoist > Spirit Healing, Cyclone, Golem, Dodge
- Trojan > Golem, Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation
- Warrior > Golem, Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation
- Water Taoist > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem, Fire Circle
Trojan > Trojan >
- Archer > Cruel Shade, Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem
- Fire Taoist > Cruel Shade, Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem
- Trojan > Cruel Shade
- Warrior > Cruel Shade, Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem, Iron Shirt
- Water Taoist > Cruel Shade, Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem
Trojan > Warrior >
- Archer > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Iron Shirt, Roar, Shield, Golem, Reflect
- Fire Taoist > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Iron Shirt, Roar, Shield, Golem, Reflect
- Trojan > Cyclone, Iron Shirt, Spirit Healing, Accuracy, Roar, Flying Moon, Golem, Reflect
- Warrior > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem, Reflect
- Water Taoist > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Iron Shirt, Roar, Shield, Golem, Superman, Reflect
Trojan > Water Taoist >
- Archer > Spirit Healing, Cyclone, Golem, Cure, Invisibility, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation
- Fire Taoist > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem, Revive, Advanced Cure, Invisibility
- Trojan > Golem, Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation
- Warrior > Spirit Healing, Cyclone, Golem, Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation
- Water Taoist > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem, Pervade
Warrior > Archer >
- Archer > Freezing Arrows
- Fire Taoist > Shield, Roar, Poisonous Arrows
- Trojan > Roar, Poisonous Arrows
- Warrior > Poisonous Arrows
- Water Taoist > Shield, Roar, Poisonous Arrows
Warrior > Fire Taoist >
- Archer > Shield, Roar, Cure, Thunder, Fire, Meditation
- Fire Taoist > Shield, Roar, Dodge
- Trojan > Cure, Meditation, Roar, Thunder, Fire
- Warrior > Cure, Meditation, Thunder, Fire
- Water Taoist > Shield, Roar, Fire Circle
Warrior > Trojan >
- Archer > Flying Moon, Roar, Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem
- Fire Taoist > Flying Moon, Roar, Cyclone, Spirit Healing and Golem
- Trojan > Flying Moon, Roar, Cruel Shade
- Warrior > Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Iron Shirt, Golem
- Water Taoist > Flying Moon, Roar, Cyclone, Spirit Healing and Golem
Warrior > Warrior >
- Archer > Shield, Roar, Reflect
- Fire Taoist > Shield, Roar, Reflect
- Trojan > Accuracy, Roar, Flying Moon, Reflect
- Warrior > Reflect
- Water Taoist > Superman, Shield, Roar, Reflect
Warrior > Water Taoist >
- Archer > Shield, Roar, Cure, Invisibility, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Water Elf, Divine Hare
- Fire Taoist > Shield, Roar, Revive, Advanced Cure, Invisibility, Healing Rain Water Elf, Divine Hare
- Trojan > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Roar, Water Elf, Divine Hare
- Warrior > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Water Elf, Divine Hare
- Water Taoist > Superman, Shield, Roar, Water Elf, Divine Hare, Pervade
Archer > Archer >
- Archer > Freezing Arrows
- Fire Taoist > Poisonous Arrows, Freezing Arrows
- Trojan > Poisonous Arrows, Freezing Arrows
- Warrior > Poisonous Arrows, Freezing Arrows
- Water Taoist > Poisonous Arrows, Freezing Arrows
Archer > Fire Taoist >
- Archer > Cure, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows, Thunder, Fire
- Fire Taoist > Poisonous Arrows, Dodge
- Trojan > Cure, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows, Thunder, Fire
- Warrior > Cure, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows, Thunder, Fire
- Water Taoist > Poisonous Arrows, Fire Circle
Archer > Trojan >
- Archer > Poisonous Arrows, Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem
- Fire Taoist > Poisonous Arrows, Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem
- Trojan > Poisonous Arrows, Cruel Shade
- Warrior > Poisonous Arrows, Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Iron Shirt, Golem
- Water Taoist > Poisonous Arrows, Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Golem
Archer > Warrior >
- Archer > Poisonous Arrows, Shield, Roar, Reflect
- Fire Taoist > Poisonous Arrows, Shield, Roar, Reflect
- Trojan > Accuracy, Poisonous Arrows, Roar, Flying Moon, Reflect
- Warrior > Poisonous Arrows, Reflect
- Water Taoist > Poisonous Arrows, Superman, Shield, Roar, Reflect
Archer > Water Taoist >
- Archer > Cure, Invisibility, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows, Water Elf, Divine Hare
- Fire Taoist > Revive, Invisibility, Poisonous Arrows, Healing Rain, Advanced Cure, Water Elf, Divine Hare
- Trojan > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows, Water Elf, Divine Hare
- Warrior > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows, Water Elf, Divine Hare
- Water Taoist > Poisonous Arrows, Water Elf, Divine Hare, Pervade
Fire Taoist
Fire Taoist > Archer >
- Archer > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows
- Fire Taoist > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows
- Trojan > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows
- Warrior > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows
- Water Taoist > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows
Fire Taoist > Fire Taoist >
- Archer > Dodge, Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation
- Fire Taoist > All skills for Fire Taoist
- Trojan > Dodge, Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation
- Warrior > Dodge, Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation
- Water Taoist > Dodge
Fire Taoist > Trojan >
- Archer > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Golem, Cyclone, Spirit Healing,
- Fire Taoist > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Golem, Cyclone, SpiritHealing,
- Trojan > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Cruel Shade
- Warrior > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Golem, Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Iron Shirt
- Water Taoist > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Golem, Cyclone, Spirit Healing
Fire Taoist > Warrior >
- Archer > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Shield, Roar, Reflect
- Fire Taoist > Shield, Roar, Reflect
- Trojan > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Accuracy, Roar, Flying Moon, Reflect
- Warrior > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Reflect
- Water Taoist > Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation, Superman, Shield, Roar, Reflect
Fire Taoist > Water Taoist >
- Archer > Cure, Invisibility, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation
- Fire Taoist > Revive, Invisibility, Healing Rain,Advanced Cure
- Trojan > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation
- Warrior > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation
- Water Taoist > Fire Circle, Pervade
Water Taoist
Water Taoist > Archer >
- Archer > Cure, Invisibility, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows,Freezing Arrow
- Fire Taoist > Cure, Invisibility, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows
- Trojan > Cure, Invisibility, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows
- Warrior > Cure, Invisibility, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows
- Water Taoist > Cure, Invisibility, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Poisonous Arrows
Water Taoist > Fire Taoist >
- Archer > Revive, Advanced Cure, Invisibility, Healing Rain, Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation
- Fire Taoist > Revive, Advanced Cure, Invisibility, Healing Rain, Dodge
- Trojan > Revive, Advanced Cure, Invisibility, Healing Rain, Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation
- Warrior > Revive, Advanced Cure, Invisibility, Healing Rain, Thunder, Fire, Cure, Meditation
- Water Taoist > Revive, Advanced Cure, Invisibility, Healing Rain, Fire Circle
Water Taoist > Trojan >
- Archer > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Spirit Healing, Golem, Cyclone
- Fire Taoist > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Spirit Healing, Golem, Cyclone
- Trojan > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Cruel Shade
- Warrior > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Spirit Healing, Iron Shirt, Golem, Cyclone
- Water Taoist > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Spirit Healing, Golem, Cyclone
Water Taoist > Warrior >
- Archer > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Shield, Roar, Reflect, Water Elf, Divine Hare
- Fire Taoist > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Shield, Roar, Reflect, Divine Hare
- Trojan > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Accuracy, Roar, Flying Moon, Reflect, Divine Hare
- Warrior > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Reflect, Divine Hare
- Water Taoist > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Superman, Shield, Roar, Reflect, Divine Hare
Water Taoist > Water Taoist >
- Archer > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Pervade
- Fire Taoist > Revive, Invisibility, Healing Rain,Advanced Cure, Pervade
- Trojan > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Pervade
- Warrior > Cure, Star of Accuracy, Magic Shield, Stigma, Meditation, Pervade
- Water Taoist > Pervade
Second Rebirth - Lucky Time
When using skill Bless, you are starting to gather "Lucky Time".
Bless Skill: Second reborn characters can use the Bless skill to gather lucky time. During the lucky time, the drop rate of good items, higher damage, and success rate of upgrading quality will increase
When using the bless skill, your character stands still and starts gathering lucky time. The time ticks up as soon as you use the skill. The longer you wait, the more lucky time you can gain (2 hours at most.)
When you move, attack, or perform any other action, your lucky time starts to count down.
The Lucky Timer: The "Lucky Timer" will appear on the top left of the screen under the system messages, and it is marked as a Chinese Knot (a traditional Chinese handcraft used to express luck and prosperity).
Server Maintenance Clears the Lucky Time! Lucky Time will be cleared because of server maintenance. Generally, normal log-out doesn’t clear the lucky time. But you are recommended not to gather lucky time before logging out or server maintenance.
Share Lucky Time: Lucky time can be shared with others. When you are gathering lucky time, other players around you, including non-reborn players have the chance to pray too. But the speed to gather lucky time for you is 3 times faster than those non-reborn players. Lucky time also produces many benefits when attacking monsters or other characters.
Double Damage: Double damage randomly happens when attacking monsters or other players.
Protection: When attacked by monsters or other characters, there is chance that the damage will be greatly reduced.
Experience Flourish: When killing monsters, there is a low chance that you earn 10x the normal experience for killing that monster (only with melee weapons, not ranged skills or magic).
XP Bar Charge: If your level is 5 higher than the monsters', and your XP bar is over half way full, there's a low chance of immediately filling your bar just by killing any monsters.
Drop Rate of Items will be increased, including meteors, super items and Dragon Balls.
About Equipment:
The rates of upgrading quality when repairing equipment, and gaining a socket when upgrading equipment level increase.
The success rate of upgrading equipment quality increases, too.
Besides, there is chance not to consume durability when upgrading equipment level.
Second Rebirth – Distinction
After second rebirth, players will obtain many benefits that distinguish them from others.
Aura of Vigor: Second reborn character will be surrounded by the aura of Vigor.
Skill "Bless"
The second reborn character will obtain a new skill “Bless”. With this skill, you can gather “Lucky Time” which makes you luckier.
Damage Reduction:
When attacked by monsters, the damage will be reduced by 30% and 50% if attacked by non-2nd-reborn characters.
Items After Rebirth
Your equipment will be reborn with you. However, they will revert to low level – so you will still be able to equip and use them again.
If you don't like that, you need to un-equip them before rebirth and keep them in warehouse.
Caps, Hats & Helmets: Will revert to a Level 15 or Level 20 headgear which is up to your current class.
Armor, Coats & Robes: Will revert to a Level 15 or Level 20 Armor which is up to your current class.
Bracelets, Rings & Bracers: Will revert to a Level 15 or Level 20 Bracelets, rings or bracers which is up to your current class.
Bags, Earrings & Necklaces: Will revert to a Level 15 or Level 20 bags, earrings or necklaces which is up to your current class
Boots: Will revert to Ox Hide Boots (Level 10).
Shields: Will revert to a Soft Shield (Level 40) and automatically be stored in your inventory.
Bows: Will be reverted to a Mulberry Bow (Level 20).
Weapons: Will be reverted to the appropriate weapon of lower power (level 15).
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